Contemporary Classical Music

Contemporary Classical Music

Cham Chameii: Collaboration with the Wiener Kammersymphonie

As a composer, Stefan Pelzl’s dedication extends beyond jazz to encompass contemporary classical music. He has immersed himself in creating and arranging compositions for string and piano ensembles, collaborating with the Wiener Kammersymphonie (Vienna Chamber Symphony) led by the esteemed conductor Sergio Mastro. This fruitful partnership has resulted in performances of his works across the globe, a truly uplifting experience for which Stefan is immensely thankful.

CD-Cover Cham Chameii
CD-Cover Cham Chameii

The culmination of this endeavor can be found in his published compositions on a CD titled “Cham Chameii”, available through Preiser Records. If you wish to obtain a CD, you can place an order here. If you can’t wait, you can get an acoustic impression of the tracks on youtube.





A Tribute to James Joyce

Highly inspired by poems in “Chamber Music” by James Joyce, Stefan Pelzl has set several of these poems to music for mezzo-soprano, grand piano, and traverse flute. The project “A Tribute to James Joyce” combines these compositions with some short instrumental interludes, creating a fascinating journey through the magical world of both James Joyce and Stefan Pelzl. “The Joyce Trio” presents a rendition of “A Tribute to James Joyce”, featuring a lineup comprising Flaka Foranci as the mezzo-soprano vocalist, Ketevan Sepashvili as the pianist, and Temo Kharshiladze as the flutist.

Flaka Goranci Photo: © Peter Rauchecker Photography
Flaka Goranci Photo: © Peter Rauchecker Photography

The inaugural presentation of this remarkable project took place on  September 21st, 2022, in Bank Austria Salon, Altes Rathaus, located at Wipplingerstrasse 8, 1010 Wien, Austria. To catch a glimpse of the concert’s highlights, you can watch a brief compilation here.





Performances by other ensembles

Stefan’s compositions have garnered widespread recognition as numerous professional ensembles, including The Max Brand Ensemble , Ensemble a tre, Creativ Ensemble Wien, and Orchesterwelt, along with several accomplished soloists and duos, have performed and continue to perform his works.

The INÖK (Interessengemeinschaft Niederösterreichische KomponistInnen) regularly organizes concerts featuring works by its members. As part of these events, compositions by Stefan Pelzl have been and continue to be chosen by ensembles (for example, the TRIO FALB.MUTTENTHALER.WERKL, Max Brand Ensemble) or soloists for regular performances.