


Upcoming concerts



Konzert mit Klarinette und Klavier – ein musikalisches Erlebnis zeitgenössischer Musik

Am Mittwoch, den 12.3.2025 um 19 h findet ein besonderes Konzert in der Acoustic Stage des Musikquartier 1060 statt. Klarinette & Klavier (Xiaocheng Wang und Thomas Hlawatsch) spielen Werke von zeitgenössischen Komponisten (Eberhard Böttcher, Stefan Pelzl, Leo Brauneiss, Philipp Manuel Gutmann, Robert J. Crow, Maximilian Kreuz, Michael Salamon und Thomas Hlawatsch), zum Teil solo, zum Teil gemeinsam.

Beim Begriff „zeitgenössisch“ denken viele gleich an schräge, atonale Musik oder gar eine, die hauptsächlich aus Geräuschen besteht. Davor braucht sich bei diesem Konzert niemand zu fürchten, im Gegenteil, es wird überwiegend sehr melodische Musik dargeboten werden.
Karten erhalten Sie vergünstigt im Vorverkauf bei mir für 18 EUR, Studierende für 9 EUR. Schriftliche Bestellung mit Angabe des/der Namen und Anzahl der Karten per E-Mail an  Nach Einzahlung auf mein Konto AT08 2011 1000 0256 2081 erhalten Sie per E-Mail eine Bestätigung über die gekauften Karten.
Abenkassa: 20 EUR, Studierende: 10 EUR

Acoustic Stage des Musikquartier 1060

Mariahilferstrasse 51, 1060 Wien

Concerts 2024/2025


On Saturday, March 1, 2025, starting at 9:30 PM, Stefan Pelzl & DJ Audiomed will be playing at Skihütte Schneggarei.

Tannberg 629
Lech am Arlberg

For more information, visit or call +43 5583 39888

On February 28th, 2025, starting at 9:00 PM, Stefan Pelzl & DJ Audiomed will perform at the Mondschein Club in Stuben.

Hannes-Schneider-Promenade 9

Stuben am Arlberg

For more information, visit or call +43 5582 511


Friday, February 15, 2025, 07:00 PM: “THE NEW ADO ADO QUARTET“ will perform their unheard-of new program Out of Darkness in the Roter Salon

The roots of ADO ADO trace back to “An der oberen Alten Donau“ (Upper Old Danube area) in Vienna. It was there that the name of this jazz band was inspired by the location. The New ADO ADO Quartet evolved from the original band ADO ADO, which has been delighting audiences with its vibrant jazz since the 1990s. Building on the legacy of its predecessor, The New ADO ADO Quartet delivers an energetic mix of Latin, Funk, Swing, and Ballads, while bringing fresh perspectives and creativity to the stage. This evolution reflects the band’s commitment to keeping their music dynamic and engaging for both longtime fans and new listeners alike.

Stefan Pelzl: Alto Saxophone, Flute, Compostions
Alois Geyer: Guitar, Compostions
Wolfgang Schuller: Bass
Werner Mras: Drums

Roter Salon, Wipplingerstraße 20 /Ground Floor, 1010 Vienna


Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 7:00 PM, “THE NEW ADO ADO QUARTET” will be performing at BADENER JAZZCAFÉ/CAFÉ CENTRAL BADEN, located at 2500 Baden, Hauptplatz 19

The roots of ADO ADO trace back to “An der oberen Alten Donau“ (Upper Old Danube area) in Vienna. It was there that the name of this jazz band was inspired by the location. The New ADO ADO Quartet evolved from the original band ADO ADO, which has been delighting audiences with its vibrant jazz since the 1990s. Building on the legacy of its predecessor, The New ADO ADO Quartet delivers an energetic mix of Latin, Funk, Swing, and Ballads, while bringing fresh perspectives and creativity to the stage. This evolution reflects the band’s commitment to keeping their music dynamic and engaging for both longtime fans and new listeners alike.

Stefan Pelzl: Alto Saxophone, Flute, Compostions
Alois Geyer: Guitar, Compostions
Wolfgang Schuller: Bass
Werner Mras: Drums

Admission by donation

Further information in German on the following websites: stefan pelzl and alois geyer

The title “Stand Alone“ (recorded in February 2024 at babü) is on YouTube.


The New ADO ADO Quartet“ with the program Out of Darkness at the Friday Night Session on Friday, December 6, at 7:00 PM at the Kulturhaus Poysdorf.

The roots of ADO ADO trace back to “An der oberen Alten Donau“ (Upper Old Danube area) in Vienna. It was there that the name of this jazz band was inspired by the location. The New ADO ADO Quartet evolved from the original band ADO ADO, which has been delighting audiences with its vibrant jazz since the 1990s. Building on the legacy of its predecessor, The New ADO ADO Quartet delivers an energetic mix of Latin, Funk, Swing, and Ballads, while bringing fresh perspectives and creativity to the stage. This evolution reflects the band’s commitment to keeping their music dynamic and engaging for both longtime fans and new listeners alike.

Stefan Pelzl: Alto Saxophone, Flute, Compostions
Alois Geyer: Guitar, Compostions
Wolfgang Schuller: Bass
Werner Mras: Drums

Following the concert, there will be a jam session. Bring your instruments!

Kulturhaus Poysdorf
2170 Kundschafterplatz 1


On November 9, 2024,“JAZZMED“ at Heuriger Maly, Benefit concert in support of Kinder-Krebshilfe WIEN-NÖ-BGLD. Special guest: Stefanie Pitsch.

Heuriger Maly, Sandgasse 8, 1190 Wien


On November 8, 2024, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED“ at Friedensburg Schlaining. Benefit concert in support of Kinderhospiz Sterntalerhof.

Special guests: Otto Lechner, Stefanie Pitsch

Friedensburg Schlaining, Rochusplatz 1, 7461 Stadtschlaining.


ON October 17, 2024, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED feat. Otto Lechner AT Kulturszene Kottingbrunn. Benefit concert in support of Ärzte Ohne Grenzen. Special guest: Otto Lechner

Kulturszene Kottingbrunn, Schloß 1, 2542 Kottingbrunn


On Oktober 10, 2024, 8:30 PM, “JAZZMED” feat. Otto Lechner AT PORGY & BESS. Benefit concert in support of Ärzte ohne Grenzen. Special guests: Otto Lechner, Stefanie Pitsch

Porgy & Bess, Riemergasse 11, 1010 Wien


On September  25, 2024, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED” performs at Theater am Spittelberg – Kulturverein. Charity Concert for Neunerhaus. With Special Guests.

Thomas Pfleger – git; Stefan Pelzl – alt-sax, fl; Robert Schönherr – piano; Wolfgang Schuller – bass; Werner Mras – drums; Special Guests: Anton „Toni“ Burger – violine; Vusa Mkhaya – voc; Stefanie Pitsch – voc; Karim Thiam – voc, git, tama

Theater am Spittelberg, Spittelberggasse 10, 1070 Wien


Friday, April 5, 2024, Concert in Harstad, Norway

Saxophonist Ola Asdahl Rokkones and the Wiener Kammersymphonie (WKS) will perform works by Mozart, Schubert, Korngold, Bartók, Pelzl, and Grieg. The piece “Spanish Skies“ by Stefan Pelzl was previously released on the album “Cham Chameii“ in collaboration with the Wiener Kammersymphonie. This performance will feature the version for alto saxophone and string quintet.

Ola Asdahl Rokkones – Alto Saxophone
Cornelia Gradwohl – 1st Violin
Luis Morais – 2nd Violin
Giorgia Veneziano – Viola
Sergio Mastro – Cello
Guro Stigen Kvannli – Double Bass

Harstad Cultural Center
Havnegata 3
9404 Harstad


Friday, March 22, 2024, 7:00 PM Piano evening. Andrés Añazco (Piano) performs works by Leo Brauneiss, Richard Graf, Johannes Kretz, Maximilian Kreuz, and Stefan Pelzl.

Acoustic Stage Musikquartier 1060, 1060 Vienna, Mariahilferstraße 51, Stiege 2, 1st floor. Directly at the Kirchengasse exit (U3-Station Neubaugasse). The event is in collaboration with Creatives Centrum Wien (CCW).


Leo Brauneiss: Prélude Nr. 1, 2 & 7
Richard Graf: Sister
Helmut Schmidinger: 2 Klavierstücke: Intermezzo; … unvollendet …
Stefan Pelzl: Skributo 1-15; Danse méditative
Maximilian Kreuz: Wald und Wiesentiere: Nr. 1 Hase; Nr. 2 Katze; Nr. 3 Rindvieh
Leo Brauneiss: 5 Bagatellen für Klavier; Lamento und Elegie für Klavier
Johannes Kretz: Kristallsplitter op. 38 nr. 1
Stefan Pelzl: Melcherlis; Mélancholie et Soleil

With kind support from Creatives Centrum Wien and INOEK.

On March 19, 2024, 7:00 PM, “THE NEW ADO ADO QUARTET” will be performing at Badener Jazzcafé/Café Central Baden, located at 2500 Baden, Hauptplatz 19

Stefan Pelzl altosax, flute, comp; Alois Geyer guitar, comp; Wolfgang Schuller bass; Werner Mras drums.

The title “Stand Alone“ (recorded in February 2024 at babü) is on YouTube.

Friday, March 1, 2024, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED” performs at Ehrbar Saal. Charity concert for Neunerhaus. Special Guest: Otto Lechner

guitar: Thomas Pfleger, alto sax, flute: Stefan Pelzl, bass: Wolfgang Schuller, piano: Robert Schönherr, drums: Werner Mras, piano, vocals: Otto Lechner, vocals: Stefanie Pitsch

Ehrbar Saal, Mühlgasse 30, 1040 Vienna (U4 to Kettenbrückengasse or U1 to Karlsplatz).

On February 23, 2024, at 7:00 PM, enjoy the “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE” featuring works by Leo Brauneiss, Maximilian Kreuz, and Stefan Pelzl.

Acoustic Stage of Musikquartier 1060, 1060 Vienna, Mariahilferstraße 51, Stiege 2, 1st Floor. It is conveniently located near the Kirchengasse exit (U3-Station Neubaugasse). This event is in collaboration with Creative Centrum Wien.

With kind support from Creatives Centrum Wien and OESTIG.

On February 22, 2024, 8:30 PM, “THE NEW ADO ADO QUARTET” at “babü”, 2120 Wolkersdorf, Hauptstrasse 21

Stefan Pelzl altosax, flute, comp; Alois Geyer guitar, comp; Wolfgang Schuller bass; Werner Mras drums.


Concerts 2023


On November 17, 2023, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED 4 LIFE” in Langenlois, Festsaal of the Gartenbauschule Langenlois,  Am Rosenhügel 15, 3550 Langenlois

Benefit concert in support of Ärzte Ohne Grenzen. Special guests: Otto Lechner, Stefanie Pitsch, Anton “Toni” Burger.

On October 7, 2023, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED 4 LIFEat Gasthaus Domschitz, Hauptstraße 10, 7350 Oberpullendorf

Benefit concert in support of Rettet das Kind Oberpullendorf. Special guest: Stefanie Pitsch.

On October 6, 2023, „JAZZMED 4 LIFE“ at Heuriger Maly, 1019 Wien

Benefit concert in support of Kinder-Krebshilfe WIEN-NÖ-BGLD. Special guest: Stefanie Pitsch.

On September 29, 2023, 09:00 PM “WALK TALL” at Jazzland, Franz Josefs Kai 29, 1010 Wien

With Werner Mras dr, Otto Zach tp, Stefan Pelzl as, Tom Müller ts, Michael Kneihs p, Paul Hondl b, Lilli Kern voc.

On September 10, 2023, 8:30 PM, “JAZZMED 4 LIFE” at Porgy & Bess, Riemergasse 11, 1010 Wien

Benefit concert in support of Licht für die Welt – Jazzmed feat. Dan Reinstein. Special guests: Dan Ranstein, Stefanie Pitsch, Anton “Toni” Burger.


On August 11, 2023, at 8:00 PM, “JAZZMED 4 LIFE” in Bad Ischl/Bad Ischler Trinkhalle, Auböckplatz 5, 48020 Bad Ischl

Benefit concert in support of Ärzte ohne Grenzen. Special guests: Otto Lechner, Anton “Toni” Burger, Stefanie Pitsch.

On August 13, 2023, 7:30 PM, “JAZZMED 4 LIFE” at Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee, Kurhausplatz 144,  8990 Bad Aussee

Benefit concert in support of Hospiz Ausseerland-Hinterberg. Special guests: Otto Lechner, Stefanie Pitsch, Anton “Toni” Burger.

On July 1, 2023, 4:00 PM, “THE NEW ADO ADO QUARTET” at Amart Gallery, located at Halbgasse 17, 1070 Vienna

This performance will mark the finissage of Joanna Gleich’s exhibition. The quartet consists of Stefan Pelzl on alto saxophone and flute, Alois Geyer on guitar, Wolfgang Schuller on bass, and Werner Mras on drums. They will be playing original compositions by Stefan Pelzl and Alois Geyer.

On June 29, 2023, 7:00 PM, “THE NEW ADO ADO QUARTET” at OHO (Open House Oberwart), Lisztgasse 12, 7400 Oberwart

Stefan Pelzl on saxophone and flute; Alois Geyer on guitar; Wolfgang Schuller on bass, and Werner Mras on drums will be performing original compositions by Stefan Pelzl and Alois Geyer.

On May 18, 2023, 9:00 PM, “WALK TALL” AT JAZZLAND, Franz-Josefs-Kai 29, 1010 Wien

Hardbop and original compositions featuring Lukas Hartl on trumpet; Stefan Pelzl on alto saxophone; Tom Müller on tenor saxophone; Michael Kneihs on piano; Paul Hondl on bass; Werner Mras on drums; Lilli Kern vocals.

On March 20, 2023, 8:00 PM, “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE” at Sürreyya Operasi in Istanbul, Bahariye Street/District Kadiköy

With Ola Asdahl-Rokkones on alto saxophone. Works by Gustav Mahler, Béla Bartók, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonín Dvořák, and Stefan Pelzl (“Spanish Skies” for string quintet and alto saxophone).


Concerts 2022

On September 29, 2022, “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE in Norway

Works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonín Dvořák, and Stefan Pelzl (“Portrait in 3 Farben” for string quintet).

On September 21, 2022, 7:30 PM, “A TRIBUTE TO JAMES JOYCE”, Bank Austria Salon im Alten Rathaus, Wipplingerstrasse 8, 1010 Wien

The event will feature poems by James Joyce set to music by Stefan Pelzl. The performance will include Flaka Goranci as the soprano vocalist, Ketevan Sepashvili on piano, and Temo Kharshiladze on flute.

On July 26 and 27, 2022: “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIEin France

On July 26 in Macot and on July 27 in Courchevel, performances of Stefan Pelzl’s “Cham Chameii” and “Auf der Weide” are scheduled, along with works by Beethoven, Korngold, and Antonín Dvořák.

On March 31, 2022, “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE” at Bank Austria Salon im Alten Rathaus Wien

The program includes compositions by Stefan Pelzl, such as “Cham Chameii”, “Auf der Weide”,  “For Mia”, “Objèt Trouvé”, “Petite Valse Orientale”, “Spanish Skies”, and “Portrait in 3 Farben“. Additionally, Maximilian Kreuz will present his composition titled “Reminiscentia aestatis”.


Concerts 2019

From 1 to 10 October, 2019: Concert tour with “JAZZMED in North India. Performances in New Delhi, including the New Delhi International Jazz Festival, in Patna and Varanasi

Thomas Pfleger on guitar; Stefan Pelzl on saxophone/flute; Otto Lechner on keyboards and vocals; Alex Meissl on bass; Klaus Göhr on drums.

On March 14, 2019, 7:00 PM, “CASA 34” Sonatina by Stefan Pelzl at OESTIG Saal, Wipplingerstrasse 20, 1010 Wien

Gerhard Peyrer on flute and Antanina Kalechyts on piano will be performing “CASA 34”, “Sonatina in 3 Sätzen” for flute and piano by Stefan Pelzl.


Concerts 2018

On February, 19, 2018, 8:30 PM, “30 YEARS OF STEFAN PELZL’S JUJU at Porgy and Bess, Riemergasse 11, 1010 Wien

Stefan Pelzl altosax/comp; Ilse Riedler saxes; Andy Bartosh git; Karl Sayer bass; Klaus Göhr drums. Special guest: Lorenz Raab trumpet.

On June 17-19, 2018, two concerts in Madrid: Súbito Austria” with the “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE at the Teatros del Canal, and together with “Los últimos días de la Humanidad“ at the Teatro La Abadía

The “Wiener Kammersymphonie”, an ensemble comprised of five esteemed musicians based in Vienna, brings together the talents of Cornelia Löscher on 1st violin, Lukas Medlam on 2nd violin, Nebojsa Bekcic on viola, Sergio Mastro on cello, and Felipe Medina on double bass.

This exceptional collaboration merges their already remarkable individual artistic experiences to create a unified musical experience. As part of the cultural event “Súbito Austria”, the ensemble will perform on June 17. The event is a twelve-hour marathon program at the Teatros del Canal in Madrid (Sala Roja), showcasing Austrian music from 1918-2018 in commemoration of the Austrian Republic’s centenary. The repertoire will include works by notable composers such as Gottfried von Einem, Stefan Pelzl, and Ernst Krenek, among others.

Furthermore, on June 19, the musicians will grace the stage of Teatro La Abadía in Madrid for a collaborative performance with the artists involved in the project “Los últimos días de la Humanidad” (The Last Days of Humanity).


Concerts 2017

On September 17, 2017, Stefan “Pelzl’s JUJU” at the Haydn Days in Schloss Rohrau, Clarissasaal, 2471 Rohrau

Stefan Pelzl altosax/comp; Ilse Riedler saxes/bassclarinet; Andy Bartosh git; Karl Sayer bass; Klaus Göhr drums.

On March, 3, 2017, “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE” at Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt, Festsaal, Schmidgasse 18, 1080 Wien

String quintet compositions by Eberhard Bottcher, Ernst Krenek, Maximilian Kreuz, Daniel Muck, and Stefan Pelzl.

Cornelia Löscher, violin; Maximilian Bratt, violin; Giorgia Veneziano, viola; Ute Groh, violoncello; Felipe Medina, double bass.

On January, 30, 2017, “STEFAN PELZL’S JUJU” at Jazzland, Franz Josefs Kai 29, 1010 Wien


Concerts 2013

On December, 15, 2013, “CHAM CHAMEII”: live performance and introduction of a new music album (CD) by the “WIENER KAMMERSYMPHONIE” at Magistratisches Bezirksamt Wien, Festsaal, Karl-Borromäus-Platz 3, 1030 Wien

Compositions by Stefan Pelzl.  Moderation: Peter Kislinger (ORF/Ö1)

Performers: Cornelia Löscher, 1st violin; Kinga Vass, 2nd violin;  Giorgia Veneziano, viola; Sergio Mastro, cello; Felipe Medina, bass; Astrid Spitznagel, Piano.


The musical pieces featured on the CD “Cham Chameii” will be presented during the concerts of the Ensemble “Orchesterwelt”, under the direction of Vladimir Kiradijev, at the following venues and times:

November 14, 2013, 7:00 PM: Schubertsaal, Bundes Oberstufen Real Gymnasium (BORG) St. Pölten, Schulring 16, 3100 St. Pölten.
November 15, 2013, 7:30 PM: Festsaal Amtshaus Hietzing, Hietzinger Kai 1, 1130 Vienna.